Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hubby's Birthday!

Today is my Husband's birthday. He is 44 today, which makes him still older than me! LOL At our age we don't celebrate the birthdays the way we used to, unless it is a big one, and my husband hates to celebrate his birthday at all. When he turned 40, I surprised him at work with a little party. That did not go over so well, so for us a birthday is just a normal day. Kind of sad, but oh well. Such is life. It is how he like it, and that is ok with me. Personally, I think every year surviving on this earth should be celebrated with party hats, and singing, but that is me.

Hey, I should not complain, the party I gave him cost over $150, not even counting his present, and today only cost me $100. I guess I should count myself lucky he hates birthday parties. In any case, I gave him an HD radio for his truck, my daughter made him a cake, and my son gave him a T-shirt. He seemed to enjoy the idea behind each gift, so that is good. He cooked out on the grill. We had steaks and vegetables. It was very good. I always feel bad when he cooks on his birthday, but he likes too. So, I surely do not mind it if he likes to cook. I feel really lucky he is a good cook. He did his homework today, and I played on the internet. My son will be going back to college in a few hours, and my daughter went to work. Time to get ready for work tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great week!


MY Personal Rating for this day = 70 points!!

Each item is worth 10 points = the goal is 50 points per day

*** Anything lasting more than 1 hour wins 20 points, and anything lasting more than 4 hours wins 30 points. ***

1. Contact at least one of my adult children daily (by text, e-mail, letter, note, or phone.)
2. Completing one project on "big project list"
3. Work on my tasks in Govloop (Greeter #2, GPC, and picking favorite stuff)
4. Work on my Resume or resume website
5. Doing one thing to progress my current professional future
6. Doing one thing to progress my Businesses
7. Exercising at least 30 minutes
8. Read One news article
9. Read a passage from the Bible (even from the internet)
10. Spend time listening to one friend today (on the phone, e-mail, or in person)
11. Do something nice for a complete stranger today.


1 - spent most of the day with both kids! Yea! I love it when they are around! I get 30 points!

2 - I will print off my credit report tonight. I get 10 points!

3 - I read two news articles - I get 20 points!

4 - Ok the stranger was not human, but a dog came into our yard today and I bandaged his wound. I count that as a stranger. He was sweet. I need to find his home. - I get 10 points.

70 points today!! Yeah!!!

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